How An Accessible Taxi in Ottawa Allows Equal Opportunity

Mobility, as it pertains to the accessibility of transportation, is as much an equal opportunity issue as the myriad of others that face those with disabilities. Operators of accessible taxis in Ottawa know it is imperative to consider the needs of all individuals in the provision of affordable and reliable transportation. People with disabilities who utilize such taxis in Ottawa, rely on this service in order to maintain access to employment, educational opportunities, health care, as well as other community activities.

What is a wheelchair, or accessible, taxi exactly? Most simply, it’s a regular taxi—or mini-van—that has been specially modified so that it will accommodate a wheelchair and its user. Passengers are able to sit comfortably in their wheelchairs while locked safely in place; most accommodate any and all wheelchair types, as well. Additionally, drivers of these taxis in Ottawa have special training in order to properly assist their passengers, thereby providing these passengers the opportunity to travel in comfort and at their own convenience.

Various surveys and studies have consistently shown that there exists a relatively significant number of mobility-challenged people who regularly need door-to-door taxi service in Ottawa. Public transportation, while playing an important role in accessible transportation in urban areas, does come with its challenges for the disabled: stops that occur at predetermined times and places can often mean a missed ride if the rider is unable to make a specific time schedule, get to a specific location,  or is simply running late. Accessible taxis, on the other hand, can pick up clients from anywhere, and at any time—a huge advantage for wheelchair users, who arguably need a convenient transportation service much more readily than the average pedestrian. It’s important to point out that the majority of the mobility-challenged are independent citizens who simply need affordable wheelchair accessible taxis as a way to make life easier; many do not require a paratransit service that serves clients with perhaps more complicated health or mobility issues. Having the right taxi service in Ottawa allows transportation needs to be met in a straightforward fashion, without having to pay for unnecessary extensive, specialized service.

Taxis in Ottawa are available to all by simply picking up the phone and stating the need. They, plain and simple, provide disabled passengers flexibility—they’re there when you need them: they can be accessed without having to plan ahead, they arrive quickly, and alleviate unnecessary waiting, and directly get to the desired destination. In other words, they provide the freedom to come and go that is desired and enjoyed by the rest of the public.